...yes, I traded a bag of Deli Manjoo... FOR MY FACE.
It's a sad day indeed when you start to run so low on Won that you're willing to pawn your bodily features for a morsel to eat. I'm sure you know the feeling well. But, I pledge, these aren't just any morsels. These are DELI MANJOO: the God of portable, do-it-yourself sweet-toothed junk food. (Which are so good that even the Oxford Dictionary recognises that the complete capitalisation of their name is the only way to speak of them). So, what are DELI MANJOO? Well, they were, up until a few hours ago, potentially my favourite South Korean snack: little, bite-size morsels of spongey, custardy goodness, served hot and in their own stylish DELI MANJOO bag, all for W2000! (i.e. £1).
Now, the observant amongst you may realise that DELI MANJOO were my favourite snack. Why the past tense, you cry?! Well, I learnt a lesson in gluttony this afternoon, that's why. Wolfing down my W2,000 bag, I suddenly realised I'd already had a full Japanese lunch, followed by ice cream, and neither was a particularly small serving - it's like, as soon as I smelt that DELI MANJOO smell, my gastric jusices got so excited that they forced me to ignore my bloatedness and down the bag for their own hedonistic satisfcation. Needless to say, not long after, I felt the effects of my gluttony - and BLERGH is the only word I can use to describe how I felt! Like, REALLY BLERGH. So now, my irrational mind cannot bare to face any DELI MANJOO - at least for the next few days. I'm sorry it's come to this, dear friend, but - at the end of the day - you were just too damn delicious for your own good!
And, my research suggests that this is not a one-off incident. Indeed, one blogger - a dubious "Miss Koco" went so far as to pen a poem of her woeful tale of misery. Read it and be moved to tears:
Shaped like corn, filled with custard goo.
Oh delimanjoo, though you smell like heaven,
you make me feel like poo.
In case you were ever in doubt, this conclusively proves it on the grounds of hard scientific fact: DELI MANJOO are evil. Someone call the police! I'm not the only person to suffer at the hands of their custardy goodness! I just thank the Heavens they haven't sent me into such a poetry-inducing state of delirium. My mind is, as of yet, unaffected. But, take this as a warning - you have heard first hand of their destructive power... eat them at your own risk!So now it looks like I've traded my face for a bag of a snack I no longer want to eat - not ideal, really... I wonder if I can get a refund? But, even if I can't, I've learnt an important lesson. Call it Aesopian. And what is that lesson? Don't trade your face for food. EVER. It may seem worth it at the time, but in the long run, it isn't. Trust me. Now I'll have to wear this bag for all to see as a token of my shame for the rest of my life.
In other, somewhat less apocalyptic, news, Eun Hye's just text Mervyn asking us for lunch on Tuesday. I'm there. Especially if it's galbi. Perhaps if I wear a hat and sunglasses, she won't realise I no longer have a face?
Quote of the day: Me, after filling ever last fibre of my existence with DELI MANJOO: "Blerrrrrrrrrrrrrgh..."
Oh, and I almost forgot - me and Mervyn were scootching around the Olympic Park today... only to see a massive gaggle of teenage girls queuing outside the main stadium. H
Edit: I've just received a message from Duncan asking me to feature DELI MANJOO in my next post. Well, here we go, Duncy-babes! I read your mind before you even knew you wanted it! Really, I did!

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